List of Dental Schools | Top Dental Schools in USA
In this page you can find information and contact addresses for the top dental schools in the United States.
For information about dental schools in other countries of the world you can visit the website of the FDI (World Dental Federation). Visit these links for lists of dental schools in the UK and dental schools in Canada.
Admission requirements differ between countries but also between individual dental schools. You have to contact directly each dental school for questions related to admission’s criteria and application process.
List of top dental schools in the United States
The list of top dental schools in the U.S. includes major academic institutions in the U.S. that award advanced professional degrees of either D.D.S. or D.M.D. in the field of dentistry.
To be accepted into one of the over 50 dental schools in the U.S., one must complete at least two years of predental education. Most dental school applicants must have a bachelor's degree. All dental schools require applicants to take the Dental Admissions Test (DAT).
Dental school usually lasts 4 academic years. Dental school program is intensive, incorporating much of the same curriculum as a typical medical school.
University of Alabama School of Dentistry at UAB 1530 3rd Avenue S., SDB 406 Birmingham, AL 35294-0007 Web Address: www.dental.uab.edu AZ A.T. Still University Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health 5850 East Still Circle Mesa, AZ 85206 Web Address: www.atsu.edu/asdoh Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine 19555 North 59th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85308 Web Address: www.midwestern.edu CA Loma Linda University School of Dentistry Dental School Loma Linda, CA 92350 Web Address: www.llu.edu/llu/dentistry University of California at Los Angeles School of Dentistry Center for Health Science, Rm 53-038 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1668 Web Address: www.dent.ucla.edu University of California at San Francisco School of Dentistry 513 Parnassus Ave, S-630 San Francisco, CA 94143 Web Address: University of Southern California School of Dentistry 925 W. 34th Street Los Angeles, CA 90089-6041 Web Address: www.usc.edu/hsc/dental University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry 2155 Webster Street San Francisco, CA 94115 Web Address: dental.pacific.edu CO University of Colorado Denver School of Dentistry; Lazzara Center for Oral-Facial Health 13065 E. 17th Avenue Aurora, CO 80045 Web Address: www.ucdenver.edu CT University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06030-3915 Web Address: sdm.uchc.edu DC Howard University College of Dentistry 600 "W" Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20059 Web Address: www.howard.edu FL Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine 3200 S. University Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328 Web Address: dental.nova.edu University of Florida College of Dentistry 1600 SW Archer Rd., Rm D4-6 Gainesville, FL 32610-0405 Web Address: www.dental.ufl.edu GA Georgia Regents University College of Dental Medicine 1430 John Wesley Gilbert Drive Augusta, GA 30912 Web Address: www.gru.edu/dentalmedicine/ IA University of Iowa College of Dentistry 100 Dental Science Bldg. Iowa City, IA 52242 Web Address: www.dentistry.uiowa.edu IL Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine 2800 College Avenue, Bldg 273/2300 Alton, IL 62002 Web Address: www.siue.edu/dentalmedicine/ University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry 801 South Paulina Street, Suite # 102 Chicago, IL 60612 Web Address: dentistry.uic.edu IN Indiana University School of Dentistry 1121 West Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Web Address: www.iusd.iupui.edu/default.aspx KY University of Kentucky College of Dentistry 800 Rose Street D 136 UKMC Lexington, KY 40536-0297 Web Address: www.mc.uky.edu/Dentistry University of Louisville School of Dentistry 501 S. Preston Street Louisville, KY 40292 Web Address: www.dental.louisville.edu/dental LA Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue New Orleans, LA 70119-2799 Web Address: www.lsusd.lsuhsc.edu MA Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine 100 East Newton Street Boston, MA 02118 Web Address: dentalschool.bu.edu Harvard University School of Dental Medicine 188 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Web Address: www.hsdm.harvard.edu Tufts University School of Dental Medicine One Kneeland Street Boston, MA 02111 Web Address: www.tufts.edu/dental MD University of Maryland Baltimore College of Dental Surgery 650 W. Baltimore Street, Suite 6402 Baltimore, MD 21201 Web Address: www.dental.umaryland.edu MI University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry 2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, (MB 98) Detroit, MI 48208-2576 Web Address: www.udmercy.edu/dental University of Michigan School of Dentistry 1011 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078 Web Address: www.dent.umich.edu MN University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Room 15-209 Moos Tower 515 S.E. Delaware Street Minneapolis, MN 55455 Web Address: www.dentistry.umn.edu/ MO University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry 650 East 25th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 Web Address: www.umkc.edu/dentistry MS University of Mississippi School of Dentistry Medical Center; 2500 North State Street Jackson, MS 39216-4505 Web Address: dentistry.umc.edu NC University of North Carolina School of Dentistry UNC-CH CB# 7450 1090 Old Dental Bldg Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7450 Web Address: www.dent.unc.edu NE Creighton University School of Dentistry 2500 California Plaza Omaha, NE 68178-0240 Web Address: cudental.creighton.edu |
![]() University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry 40th & Holdrege Streets Lincoln, NE 68583-0740 Web Address: www.unmc.edu/dentistry NJ University of New Jersey - Dental School 110 Bergen St., Room B815 Newark, NJ 07103-2425 Web Address: dentalschool.umdnj.edu NV University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine Shadow Lane Campus, 1001 Shadow Lane Las Vegas, NV 89106-4124 Web Address: dentalschool.unlv.edu/ NY Columbia University College of Dental Medicine 630 West 168th Street, PH7 East Room 122 New York, NY 10032 Web Address: cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/dental New York University College of Dentistry 345 East 24th Street New York, NY 10010 Web Address: www.nyu.edu/dental/ State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine 325 Squire Hall, 3435 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14214-3008 Web Address: www.sdm.buffalo.edu State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine Health Sciences Center, 154 Rockland Hall Stony Brook, NY 11794-8700 Web Address: www.hsc.stonybrook.edu/dental OH Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Dental Medicine 10900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106-4905 Web Address: www.case.edu/dental/site/main.html Ohio State University College of Dentistry 305 West 12th Avenue, PO Box 182357 Columbus, OH 43218-2357 Web Address: www.dent.ohio-state.edu OK University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry 1201 N. Stonewall Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73117 Web Address: dentistry.ouhsc.edu OR Oregon Health and Science University School of Dentistry 611 SW Campus Drive Portland, OR 97239 Web Address: www.ohsu.edu/sod/admissions PA Temple University The Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry 3223 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 Web Address: www.temple.edu/dentistry University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine 240 South 40th Street Robert Shattner Center Philadelphia, PA 19104-6030 Web Address: www.dental.upenn.edu University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine 3501 Terrace Street Pittsburgh, PA 15261 Web Address: www.dental.pitt.edu PR University of Puerto Rico School of Dentistry Medical Sciences Campus Main Building-Office #A103B, 1st Floor San Juan, PR 00936-5067 Web Address: dental.rcm.upr.edu SC Medical University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine 171 Ashley Avenue, PO Box 250507 Charleston, SC 29425-1376 Web Address: academicdepartments.musc.edu/dentistry/ TN Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry 1005 D.B. Todd Blvd. Nashville, TN 37208 Web Address: www.mmc.edu/education/sod/index.html University of Tennessee College of Dentistry 875 Union Avenue Memphis, TN 38163 Web Address: www.uthsc.edu TX Baylor College of Dentistry Component of Texas A & M Health Sci Ctr 3302 Gaston Avenue Dallas, TX 75246 Web Address: www.tambcd.edu Univ. of Texas Health Science Cnt-Houston Dental Branch 6516 M. D. Anderson Blvd., Room 147; Houston, TX 77225-0068 Web Address: www.db.uth.tmc.edu University of Texas Health Science Cnt-San Antonio Dental School 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, Mail Code 7914 San Antonio, TX 78284-7914 Web Address: www.dental.uthscsa.edu VA Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry P.O. Box 980566, 520 North 12th Street Richmond, VA 23298-0566 Web Address: www.dentistry.vcu.edu WA University of Washington-Health Sciences School of Dentistry D322 Health Sciences Bldg., 1959 NE Pacific St.; Seattle, WA 98195 Web Address: dental.washington.edu WI Marquette University School of Dentistry 1801 W. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53233 Web Address: www.marquette.edu WV West Virginia University School of Dentistry Robert C. Byrd Health Sci Ctr.; 1150 HSC North/Medical Center Drive; Morgantown, WV 26506-9400 Web Address: dentistry.hsc.wvu.edu |