Orthodontic Problems • Malocclusion (Bad Bite)

Orthodontic Problems
Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that is officially known as Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. The purpose of orthodontics is to treat any type of malocclusion, or "bad bite". A malocclusion is any irregularity in the correct positioning of teeth that affects the proper way that teeth of the two jaws should fit together when we close our mouth. Some examples of malocclusion are crowded teeth, overbites, underbites or jaws that are out of alignment.
Malocclusion • Orthodontics
- Malocclusions can be caused by abnormal tooth development, jaw size restrictions, early or late loss of baby teeth, thumbsucking, accidents etc.
- Children and adults can both benefit from orthodontics. The basics of the treatment are the same but it may take longer for adults.
- There are a variety of different orthodontic appliances that may be used during an orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic appliances are adjusted periodically so that the teeth aremoved correctly and efficiently
- The time required for orthodontic treatment varies from person to person.
- While orthodontic treatment is expensive and it requires a time commitment, most people feel the benefits are well worth the cost and time invested.
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